What is What are Viz Scripts? Scriptit tekee sitä ja tätä ja blaa blaa ja muuta ja vielä enemmänkin. Kikkelis kokkelis. Coronavirus.via (2Mb) The script sub OnInitParameters() 'This is a comment. '// And this also. RegisterParameterString("copy", "SCENE INFORMATION", "Copyright (c) 2019 tuomo@smartpx.fi", 50, 50, "") RegisterParameterText("info", "NOTE! This scene has custom scripts. Click EDIT below to see the source code.", 350, 100) RegisterPushButton("randomizeOmo", "Random Omo value", 1) end sub sub OnExecAction(buttonId as Integer) if buttonId = 1 then dim maxOmoValue as integer = this.ChildContainerCount dim curOmoValue as integer = this.GetFunctionPluginInstance("Omo").GetParameterInt("vis_con") Dim newOmoValue as integer Do newOmoValue = Random(maxOmoValue) Loop Until newOmoValue <> curOmoValue println(13, "New random Omo value in container [" & this.name & "] " & curOmoValue & " --> " & newOmoValue) this.GetFunctionPluginInstance("Omo").SetParameterInt("vis_con", newOmoValue) end if end sub